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List Of Commands

Here's a list of all the commands Grace Hopper has to offer on our Discord Server

Server Rule Commands:

/reportuser: Report a user if they violate the server rules
/rules: Redirects you to the rule message

Music Commands:

/join: Let the bot join your voice channel
/leave: Let the bot leave your voice channel
/mp3: Play one of our songs in your current voice channel
/songs: Take a look at what songs we have
/pause: Pause the song
/resume: Continues the currently paused song
/playlist: Take a look at the playlist
/skip: Skip the song
/stop: Stop the entire playlist
/vping: Take a look at the status of the connection to the voice channel

Name Color Commands:

/color: Add a color to your name (red, yellow, green, blue, orange, magenta, purple or cyan)
/rmcolor: Remove the color from your name and return to the color of your highest role

Reddit Commands:

/link_reddt: Link your reddit account with the current server
/redditkarma: View the karma of a reddit user
/reddittop: View the top posts in a subreddit

Other Commands:

/ccrate: Take a look at the exchange rate of any cryptocurrency
/google: Google somthing
/pokemon: Inform yourself about a Pokemon
/pokeberry: Inform yourself about a Pokeberry
/policeforces: Inform yourself about the police of the UK
/randomuser: Create a random person with different information
/secret: Send a secret message
/ssp: Play rock, paper, scissors
/virus: Pretend to upload a virus
/wiki: Search for something on wikipedia
/suggestion: Submit a suggestion what we could add to this bot
/application: Apply to join our team. Be sure to state why you should join us and which position you would like to fill