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List Of Admin-Commands

Here's a list of all the admin-commands Grace Hopper has to offer on our Discord Server

Server Setup Commands

/info: Learn how to set up this bot correctly
/definecolorroles: Define the color roles on your server to be able to change the name colors correctly (/color)
/definememberrole: Define the role on your server that all your members have
/definemutedrole: Define the role on your server that all your muted members have
/setreportchannel: Specify the channel to which the reports from your server are sent
/setrule: Define the message that must be replied to in order to accept the rules and receive the membership role
/rules: Check which message is your current rule message (/setrules)

Standard Admin Commands

/ban: Ban someone from the server
/unban: Unban someone from the server
/banlist: Check who is banned on your server
/kick: Kick someone from the server
/mute: Mute someone from your server
/mutelist: Check who is muted on your server
/unmute: Unmute someone from your server

Useful Commands

/addrole: Give someone a role
/removerole: Remove someone's role
/clear: Deletes the last messages in the channel
/dm: Write a DM to someone
/movchan: Move all members from one channel to another
/movealltochannel: Move all members of the entire guild to one voice channel
/poll: Create a poll in the channel
/sendsong: Get one of our songs so you can download it
/write: Write something on behalf of the bot

Fun Commands

/joinn: Rickroll every voice channel
/pretend: Pretend to write in the name someone else
/pretenddelete: Pretend to write in the name someone else, deletes the message afterwards
/ping: Check how long the bot takes to respond